Our School:
Middleborough Elementary School is located in the southeast area of Baltimore County in Essex, Maryland. The school first opened its doors to students in grades Kindergarten to 6th grade in September, 1959. It now serves approximately 370 students up to 5th grade. The school can be found between Back River and Middle River, thus using a sailboat as the emblem of the school. The school colors are blue and white. We are the Middleborough Mariners!
Middleborough Elementary has a dedicated staff serving multiple classes at each grade level. Students proudly show their mariner spirit on Mondays while wearing Middleborough gear or blue attire. The students and staff work collaboratively with the Middleborough PTA to enhance our school community. Upon entering Middleborough Elementary, one can clearly see that student achievement, character education, and a safe and orderly environment exists. The teachers, students, and parents truly have reasons to show their Middleborough pride!
Middleborough Elementary School creates a safe learning environment that ensures academic success for all students. Our school community is dedicated to fostering a unified spirit and vision through collaborative effort and responsibility.
- We believe every adult in a child's life is a teacher whose values and behaviors serve as models for children to become responsible citizens.
- We believe that an effective instructional program is rich in content and student engagement, providing real life application nurtured by the school community.
- We believe that providing a safe learning environment is the personal responsibility of every individual within the school community. Every student is entitled to attend school in an orderly, harmonious and safe environment conducive to mutual respect and responsibility.